Pest Management Guidelines |
Diseases of Heliconia in Hawaii | ||
By: Kelvin T. Sewake and Janice Y. Uchida
Associate County Extension Agent and Associate Professor of Plant
Pathology respectively, CTAHR, University of Hawaii.
Figures referred to in this document are unavailable at this
The Hawaii heliconia industry is fairly new. Crop production and
value of grower sales data have been recorded only since 1985 by
the Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service (HASS 1992). Sales
figures rose rapidly from a statewide value of $125,000 in 1985
to almost $1.4 million in 1988. Value of sales remained greater
than $1 million through 1991. Changes in HASS reporting methods
in 1992 make it difficult to compare values of sales since that
year with previous years.
There is excellent potential to expand heliconia production in
Hawaii because of its low start-up cost, the relative ease of
plant culture, and the ideal growing environment in Hawaii.
Another opportunity that has arisen recently for existing and new
heliconia farmers is the availability of affordable land on the
Hamakua Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. The demise of the
Hawaii sugar industry has made available vast acreages of land at
relatively low prices. These sugarcane lands have deep soil
profiles, which are ideal for heliconia production.
However, with the many advantages and opportunities for heliconia
production, the Hawaii Tropical Flowers and Foliage
Association-Big Island Chapter recognizes severe disease-related
problems associated with the production of heliconias. Because of
the high rainfall in East Hawaii, the major heliconia-producing
area of the state, many disease problems occur that have not been
thoroughly studied and are not well understood. Little
information is available to farmers to help them identify and
control heliconia diseases in the field.
Heliconia farmers often cannot effectively apply disease
management strategies or implement measures to prevent, control,
or eliminate diseases when they lack accurate identification of
the disease-causing agents and readily available information to
understand the biology of the pathogens. Therefore, significant
production losses can occur, resulting in financial losses.
Although not well documented, production losses from
disease-related problems may be extremely high, especially in
severe cases of bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum
or fungal root rot caused by Calonectria spathiphylli.
This publication is designed as a guide for quick identification
of heliconia diseases found in Hawaii for heliconia farmers and
other agricultural professionals. Some general control
recommendations are included in this publication, but farmers are
advised to seek professional assistance from the Cooperative
Extension Service or other sources for more specific diagnostic
services and control recommendations.
Nomenclature of Heliconia Plants
Identification of the many of heliconia plants cultivated or
found in the wild has been difficult and confusing for
professional agriculturists and hobbyists alike. Although there
may be legitimate arguments among heliconia enthusiasts regarding
plant nomenclature, heliconia names in this paper will follow
Heliconia: An Identification Guide by Fred Berry and W. John
Kress (1991), which contains a list of 200 names along with color
illustrations and plant descriptions that make heliconias easily
identifiable. The book is useful to heliconia hobbyists, growers,
and researchers for the references and nomenclatural origins it
contains, and taxonomic changes can be proposed using it as a
reference point.
Nomenclature of Plant Parts
Heliconia belongs to the family Heliconiaceae and contains 200 to
250 species of herbaceous plants that are primarily native to
tropical America. Its vividly colored flowers are nearly always
terminal and may be either erect (Figure 1) or pendant.
Plant parts are identified and labelled in Figure 2. Familiarity
with the names of plant parts is important because they are used
throughout this publication in disease descriptions, as well as
in the trade.
Overview of Heliconia Diseases
A survey of records of heliconia diseases in Hawaii at the
Department of Plant Pathology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and
the Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (UH Manoa and Komohana
Agricultural Complex, Hilo) revealed that most of the destructive
pathogens have been recovered from roots and rhizomes. These
included several root-rotting fungi, a bacterium, and several
nematodes. Root-rotting organisms seem to play a greater role in
the decline of heliconia stands than organisms infecting leaves
and floral bracts, although some fungi isolated from foliage
cause massive leaf destruction.
Few pathogens were recovered from floral bracts. Of those
recovered, most are believed to be opportunistic or secondary
pathogens causing problems only on weakened plants or damaged
Most of the organisms described in detail below are believed to
be primary pathogens of heliconia. Others listed as
"associated" with heliconia diseases need to be studied
further and may represent host-pathogen interactions that are not
yet well understood.
Calonectria spathiphylli
Disease and symptoms: The most pronounced foliar symptoms on
heliconia caused by Calonectria spathiphylli are leaf
yellowing,"firing" or drying of leaf margins, sheath
spots (Figure 3), and petiole blights. Rots of the sheath and
petiole interfere with water movement to the leaf, causing water
stress and producing dry leaf edges. As rots of the sheath
expand, less water moves up to the leaf blade, and leaves become
yellow. Eventually the leaves die, resulting in premature loss of
older leaves (Figure 4). Less frequently, the fungus causes
brown, oval spots of varying sizes up to 9.5 by 19 mm (3/8 by 3/4
inch) (Figures 5, 6). The photosynthetic or food-producing
capacity of the diseased plants is reduced by multiple sheath and
petiole infections followed by leaf loss. Foliage loss and root
rots (discussed below) cause large, vigorous plants with high
productivity to decline in a few years and become small, weak
plants with poor flower production. Severely diseased plants of
susceptible cultivars are killed.
Biology and spread: Calonectria spathiphylli has been isolated
from diseased heliconia throughout the state. This common
pathogen attacks Heliconia species and cultivars such as H.
angusta cv. Holiday (formerly 'Red Christmas'), H. bihai cv.
Kamehameha and cv. Lobster Claw One (formerly H. jacquinii), H.
caribaea cv. Purpurea (formerly 'Red Caribaea' or 'Red Caribe'),
H. indica cv. Spectabilis (formerly H. illustris var.
rubricaulis), H. mutisiana, H. psittacorum cv. Parakeet, H.
psittacorum X H. spathocircinata cv. Golden Torch (known as
'Parrot' in Hawaii), H. stricta cv. Dwarf Jamaican and cv. Fire
Bird, and H. wagneriana (known in Hawaii as 'Rainbow', 'Avenue',
'Elongata', 'Easter', and 'Easter Egg Flower').
In Hawaii, Calonectria spathiphylli is also a highly destructive
pathogen of many cultivars of spathiphyllum. In Florida, besides
heliconia and spathiphyllum, this pathogen has been found on
Strelitzia nicolai (white bird-of-paradise tree) and Ludwigia
palustris (water purslane) (El-Gholl et al. 1992).
Calonectria also produces microsclerotia which are compact
aggregates of fungal cells. These aggregates are survival
structures that allow the fungus to persist in the soil for many
months to years without the host.
Nomenclature: In its life cycle, Calonectria has an asexual stage
that produces spores or conidia (Figure 7). This asexual stage is
referred to as Cylindrocladium. A pathogenic (disease causing)
fungus was discovered in Hawaii on rotting heliconia in the late
1980s (Uchida et al. 1989). Based on the characteristics of the
asexual stage, the fungus was identified as Cylindrocladium
spathiphylli. The shape and size of the asexual spores were
similar to C. spathiphylli discovered on spathiphyllum in Hawaii
during the early 1980s (Uchida 1989; Uchida and Aragaki 1992).
Subsequently, mating studies showed that Cylindrocladium from
spathiphyllum and heliconia would produce the sexual stage when
certain pairs were grown together (El-Gholl et al. 1992). The
fruiting bodies and spores of the sexual stage (ascospores) are
characteristic of the genus Calonectria. Thus, Calonectria
spathiphylli is now recognized as the fungus from heliconia and
Bipolaris incurvata and other Bipolaris species
Disease and symptoms: Bipolaris causes leaf spots (Figure 8) and
large rots (Figure 9) of the leaf (referred to as blights). The
disease begins as small, water-soaked flecks and spots. The
fungus continues to grow in the leaf tissue, and the spots
enlarge. After two weeks, many spots are 9.5 to 35 mm (3/8 to13/8
inch) in diameter, oval or irregular in shape, and are yellowed
around the spot. The spots are light brown with a darker edge.
Holes form on the leaf as diseased tissue falls out (Figure 10).
Leaf blisters, an unusual symptom, also are formed on the
under-surface of the leaf in wet weather. The petiole, sheath
(Figure 11), and floral bracts (Figure 12) also are spotted with
faint brown to purplish-red spots. Spotting of floral bracts
makes flowers unmarketable.
Infections of young leaves result in deformed, blighted mature
leaves. In advanced stages of the disease, leaves become tattered
and brown.
Biology and spread: Bipolaris incurvata has been the most
commonly encountered species on diseased heliconia. Other species
such as B. cynodontis, B. salviniae, and B. setariae have been
isolated also (Uchida and Aragaki, unpublished).
Heliconia stricta cv. Dwarf Jamaican, H. orthotricha, H.
chartacea, and H. mutisiana are susceptible to Bipolaris species
(Uchida and Aragaki, unpublished). With further testing, many
other susceptible cultivars are likely to be identified. Various
Bipolaris species commonly occur on grasses, causing severe
diseases of corn, rice, wheat, oats, and sorghum. In Hawaii,
Bipolaris species cause significant diseases of corn, turf, and
palms. Bipolaris setariae and B. incurvata are frequently found
on grasses surrounding heliconia fields (Uchida and Aragaki,
unpublished). In addition, they have been isolated from diseased
orchids, bromeliads, proteas, and other plants.
With continuous moisture for at least 24 hours, spores of these
fungi (Figure 13) are produced on the surface of diseased tissue.
Wind and splashing water move spores to healthy leaf surfaces.
Movement of foliage and contact with diseased leaves during field
operations also agitate plants, causing spore dispersal. Given
moisture, the spores germinate, penetrate the leaf surface, and
initiate new spots. Bipolaris spores are dark colored and
frequently have thickened walls, two characteristics that aid
fungal survival.
Exserohilum rostratum
Disease and symptoms: Leaf spots caused by Exserohilum rostratum
are similar to those caused by Bipolaris. Typical spots are oval
and brown with slightly yellow borders. The spots expand into
larger blights that kill parts of the leaves.
Biology and spread: Exserohilum has been isolated from diseased
'Dwarf Jamaican' and other diseased plants such as
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens (the common areca palm), orchids
(Uchida and Aragaki 1979), and grasses (Uchida and Aragaki,
unpublished). Exserohilum rostratum is distributed world-wide and
is common on the grass family. As with Bipolaris, Exserohilum
spores are produced in moist environments on the surface of
diseased leaves and are spread by wind and splashing water. Its
biology is similar to Bipolaris.
Pyriculariopsis sp.
Disease and symptoms: Leaf spots caused by Pyriculariopsis begin
as very small yellow areas with brown centers (Figure 14) and are
concentrated on and along the midrib. A few to several hundred
may occur along the midrib, enlarging to large brown spots
(Figure 15) and killing adjacent leaf tissue (Figure 16). Large
apical sections of leaves are killed (Figure 17), and leaf loss
occurs with heavy infections. One-half or more of the leaf blade
is commonly killed by these fungal invasions of the midrib. Less
commonly, brown leaf spots develop on the leaf blade and induce
chlorotic streaking.
Biology and spread: This is the first record of this fungus in
Hawaii and the first record of this fungus as a pathogen of
heliconia (Uchida and Kadooka 1994). The pathogen was isolated
from Heliconia angusta cv. Yellow Christmas and also causes spots
on H. mutisiana. Elsewhere, another Pyriculariopsis species has
been found on banana.
Many fungal spores are produced on diseased leaves (Figure 18).
Water or wind movements spread spores to other leaves, especially
when the disease occurs high in the canopy of mature plants.
Mahabalella sp.
This fungus was isolated from leaf spots of H. orthotricha on the
island of Hawaii. A rare fungus, it has been collected from
bamboo in India. This is the first record of this fungus in
Hawaii (Aragaki and Bushe, unpublished).
Cercospora and Pseudocercospora sp.
Disease and symptoms: These fungi are characteristically slow
growing and cause diseases that develop over a long period of
time. Initially, spots are pinpoint-size and then gradually
become raised. These tiny spots can occur in very large numbers
or in clusters, giving the appearance of physiological damage or
a nutritional problem. Individual spots are olive-green to brown
(Figure 19), and wide bands of yellow surround large groups of
spots. Spots are frequently clustered along the midrib or on the
larger lateral veins. Yellow bands extend from the midrib toward
the leaf edge (Figure 20).
After many months, larger brown spots or blight develop (Figure
21). Fungal conidia or spores are formed on these older lesions.
Biology and Spread: Species of Cercospora and Pseudocercospora
are known to infect almost every plant family. Cercospora and
Pseudocercospora species have been isolated from leaf spots of H.
psittacorum cv. Andromeda, H. collinsiana, H. farinosa, H. bihai
cv. Lobster Claw Two, and H. wagneriana (Aragaki, Bushe, and
Uchida, unpublished). These pathogens also occur on foliage
plants such as schefflera, dracaena, and philodendron; on palms
such as Rhapis, Howeia (sentry palm), and coconut; on food crops
such as beans, beets, carrots, celery, eggplant, peanut, pepper,
potato, tomato, and yam; on fruits such as papaya, banana, and
citrus; and on forage crops such as alfalfa.
Small, needle-shaped spores of these pathogens are spread by wind
and may be carried by insects. Prolonged periods of wet weather
favor pathogen sporulation and disease spread. Similar to other
diseases caused by these slow-growing pathogens, several weeks to
months may pass before newly infected leaves develop symptoms.
Calonectria spathiphylli
Disease and symptoms: This fungus is presently the most widely
spread pathogen attacking roots and rhizomes of heliconia in
Hawaii. Severe root and rhizome rots (Figure 22) kill plants or
cause rapid plant decline. Root and rhizome rots of field
heliconia start at the center of clumps with old diseased stalks,
which are dry and collapsed, and develop outward. New growth is
the healthiest, and diseased clumps of heliconia have empty
circles within the older diseased growth. Root rots prevent
proper anchorage, and taller diseased heliconia cultivars are
prone to toppling.
Biology and spread: Calonectria infects roots and rhizomes of
heliconia and can be found deep within the rhizomes in infected
root traces that originate from severe root rots.
Fungal spores and microsclerotia move into a field with water
(e.g., run-off). The pathogen also moves in infested or
contaminated soil, especially in mud adhering to trucks, plows,
other field equipment, tools, boots, etc. The fungus is also
transported when infected rhizomes are moved to new fields.
Phytophthora nicotianae
Disease and symptoms: Phytophthora nicotianae has been isolated
from rotted roots and rhizomes of H. caribaea (Ogata and Uchida,
unpublished). Healthy, vigorous plants gradually decline over one
to three years and then produce few flowers (Figures 23, 24). The
disease has been found on Kauai and Oahu. Heliconia mutisiana
appears to be highly tolerant of P. nicotianae (Aragaki and
Uchida, unpublished).
Diseased stems have brown rots at the collar and are surrounded
by rotted roots (Figure 25). Within the stem, the rot is
blackish-brown (Figure 26).
Biology and spread: In Hawaii, P. nicotianae causes diseases of
numerous crops. These include papaya, orchid, vegetables (tomato,
pepper, eggplant, etc.), herbs (parsley, thyme, sage, rosemary,
etc.), ornamentals (spathiphyllum, hibiscus, African violet,
poinsettia, gerbera, etc.), palms, pineapple, and many other
plants. This pathogen is generally nonspecific, and cross
infection can occur between different hosts.
Phytophthora species produce specialized spores called sporangia
(Figure 27) which release 20 or more swimming spores when water
is abundant. These motile spores aid pathogen movement from one
part of the plant to another or over longer distances through
irrigation ditches, run-off, and streams. Spherical
chlamydospores with thickened walls are formed in diseased
tissue. These specialized spores allow the fungus to survive
without the host for many months. Contact with spores on diseased
plants or movement of infected tissues also transport the
Pythium species
Disease and Symptoms: Several Pythium species have been isolated
from diseased heliconia roots and rhizomes. These include P.
splendens, P. aphanidermatum, P. myriotylum, and others. The role
of these organisms needs to be investigated further. To date, P.
splendens appears to be pathogenic, with disease developing
slowly over a three- to four-month period (Aragaki and Uchida,
unpublished). Root rot and slow decline of the plants are primary
Biology and spread: Pythium species have been found on the
cultivars 'Bengal', Heliconia indica cv. Spectabilis, and H.
psittacorum. Pythium species have been isolated from many
agricultural and landscape plants around the world. In Hawaii,
important diseases caused by Pythium are root rots of taro,
macadamia, papaya, orchids, vegetables, dracaena and other
foliage plants, alfalfa and other legumes, turf, and more.
Moisture and poor drainage greatly favor diseases caused by
Pythium. Like Phytophthora, most Pythium species produce motile
spores which distribute the fungi over greater distances. Other
spores, such as oospores, have thickened walls which enable the
fungus to survive long periods within the dead plant tissue or in
the soil. The pathogen is transported to new locations by the
movement of contaminated soil and water or infected plants.
Rhizoctonia solani-like fungi and Rhizoctonia solani
Disease and symptoms: Rhizoctonia solani-like fungi have been
recovered from rotting roots of H. bihai cv. Lobster Claw One and
H. caribaea (Uchida, unpublished). Although frequently associated
with diseased plants, these fungi are generally considered weak
pathogens, and pathogenicity tests are needed to determine the
role of these organisms on heliconia.
Rhizoctonia solani is one of the most common pathogens occurring
throughout the world. Almost every crop is affected by R. solani
or other Rhizoctonia species. In Hawaii, R. solani causes root
rots of many legumes, papaya, alfalfa, and foliage plants; fruit
and root rots of tomato, bean, and cucumber; and web blights
(massive rots) of poinsettia cuttings, ornamentals, and herbs.
World-wide, R. solani causes major losses in potato, vegetables,
cereals, and numerous ornamentals.
Other fungi have been recovered from heliconia in addition to
those described above. The ability of these fungi to cause
disease on heliconia is not known, and continued research is
needed. These fungi are listed here for documentation purposes
and include Colletotrichum spp., Pestalotiopsis sp., Phyllosticta
sp., Phomopsis sp., Acremonium sp., and Fusarium spp.
Pseudomonas solanacearum
Disease and symptoms: The bacterial wilt pathogen Pseudomonas
solanacearum causes foliar symptoms that include leaf rolling and
wilting (Figure 28), leaf margin firing (browning of edges)
(Figure 29), and eventual dieback of the shoot (Figure 30).
Leaves curl initially due to water stress caused by vascular
plugging following infection of roots and rhizomes. As the
disease advances in the rhizome, drying and browning of leaf
edges occurs, followed by formation of large patches of necrotic
tissue towards the midrib. Usually, these symptoms are more
pronounced on older leaves. Eventually, the entire leaf turns
dark brown with an oily appearance, resulting in leaf loss.
Within the rhizome, a dark brown discoloration of the vascular
tissue runs longitudinally down the center (Figure 31). Often, a
milky ooze is associated with this brown vascular discoloration.
Biology and spread: Pseudomonas solanacearum survives in plant
parts and many weed hosts. As diseased plants die and decompose,
bacteria are released into the soil, where they can then spread
by the movement of infested soil and water through fields. The
bacteria can spread rapidly, especially in high-rainfall areas
where surface run-off is common. It can spread quickly within the
crop rows because of high-density planting practices.
Field-to-field spread also occurs by transplanting infected
rhizomes into clean fields. Infection occurs through plant wounds
or natural openings.
In Hawaii, Pseudomonas solanacearum has been identified on H.
psittacorum and H. rostrata (Ferreira et al. 1991).
Nematodes are microscopic roundworms that inhabit the soil and
feed on plants and animals. Nematodes differ from segmented worms
(such as earthworms) in morphology, anatomy, and life cycle.
Plant-parasitic nematodes cause diseases such as leaf rots, root
or rhizome rots, flower or bulb rots, and seed damage.
Disease and symptoms: The major disease symptoms are brown,
rotted roots, swollen roots or root knots, and root lesions.
Nematode infections of roots may occur alone but sometimes are
accompanied by pathogenic fungi such as Calonectria spathiphylli,
Rhizoctonia spp., and Pythium spp. Although the relationship
between nematodes and fungi on heliconia roots is not well
understood, nematode-fungus relationships are known to cause
diseases in other crops.
Plants with roots infected by nematodes exhibit symptoms similar
to those caused by water stress and nutrient deficiency. These
symptoms include yellow leaves, excessive leaf curling and
wilting, and poor growth rate. With severe nematode infections
accompanied by Calonectria spathiphylli, plants will topple over
or fall with minor wind movement because of insufficient
anchorage (Figure 32).
Biology and spread: Nematodes recovered from heliconias include
the burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis), a root-knot nematode
(Meloidogyne sp.), a lesion nematode (Pratylenchus sp.), the
reniform nematode Rotylenchus reniformis, and a spiral nematode
(Helicotylenchus sp.) (Figure 33). The burrowing, root-knot, and
lesion nematodes are endoparasites that enter the host plant and
feed within the roots. In the case of the root-knot nematode, the
female becomes stationary in the plant and initiates gall
formation. Other species move more freely within the plant or
move about in the soil, feeding on roots without becoming
attached to them.
Nematodes have been recovered from roots of H. angusta cv. Yellow
Christmas; H. farinosa cv. Rio; H. chartacea cv. Sexy Pink; H.
stricta cv. Bucky; H. caribaea cv. Purpurea; H. psittacorum cv.
Andromeda; H. rostrata; and more (Sewake and Ogata, unpublished).
Most nematodes complete their life cycle from egg to larvae to
adult in about three to four weeks given proper soil temperature,
moisture, and aeration. If environmental conditions are not
suitable for development, eggs can remain dormant for years, and
larvae of some species can remain quiescent for long periods.
Nematodes are not very mobile in soil and move slowly within the
soil solution that surrounds soil particles. They are spread
greater distances by movement of soil on farm equipment and
tools, surface water run-off, and infected plant propagation
In a typical fungal disease cycle, the pathogen produces spores
or other propagules that are spread by various means to healthy
plants. These spores germinate, producing fungal hyphae (strands
or threads) which then infect the plant. In a susceptible plant,
the fungus grows and feeds on the plant by releasing enzymes and
absorbing nutrients released from damaged plant cells. The growth
of the fungus and the plant damage it causes by its metabolic
processes are seen as disease symptoms, i.e., spots, rots, etc.
The pathogen continues to grow and produce new spores which
repeat this cycle. This may occur as soon as a few weeks after
infection or many months later. The sexual stage frequently
increases the range of disease spread, since ascospores are
forcibly discharged into the air, becoming wind-borne. Asexual
spores formed early in the disease cycle may also be wind-borne
but are primarily spread by splashing water.
All effective disease control methods interfere with one or more
elements of this disease cycle. Some of the objectives of disease
control are to prevent infection, to prevent pathogen growth
after infection, to reduce pathogen movement in the plant, to
reduce or eliminate sporulation, and to reduce pathogen level in
the environment. These control measures are discussed below.
1. Prevention. Clean seed and clean rhizomes will prevent the
introduction of pathogens to commercial nurseries. Few heliconias
are propagated by seed, but for those for which seed is
available, even in very small quantities, a unique opportunity
exists for the establishment of clean stock (Figure 34). Seeds
collected fresh from the field are generally free of pathogens.
The fruits should be washed, rinsed, and dipped in a dilute
household bleach solution (10-20 percent bleach in water) for one
minute. Set aside all blemished or rotted fruit. Inspect the
seeds for signs of rot, and keep only healthy seeds. Remove the
pulp from clean fruits, rinse the seeds, and plant them in moist
pasteurized sphagnum moss.
Procedures for producing clean rhizomes are as follows: Wash
rhizomes well, remove all brown sheath tissue and all roots, and
trim the outer layer of the rhizome (Figures 35). Dip in 10-20
percent household bleach for one minute. Plant the cleaned
rhizome in clean media (Figure 36).
2. Moisture control. In general, moisture is needed for fungal
sporulation, spore dispersal, spore germination, and penetration
of the fungus into the leaf. For most tropical diseases, the rate
at which the fungus grows in the plant (or the rate at which the
disease develops) depends on moisture. In general, high moisture
favors pathogen growth, especially for those diseases caused by
Pythium, Phytophthora, Bipolaris, and some Cercospora species.
Because moisture is so critical to the establishment and progress
of disease, controlling moisture will decrease disease levels.
Some moisture control suggestions are as follows:
A. Grow seedlings and clean rhizomes under solid cover
(polyethylene film, fiberglass, solid plastic, etc.).
B. Increase air movement within the field. Adjust row direction
produce the best air flow based on wind direction and terrain.
Remove dead plants and old leaves to eliminate damp areas.
Keep weeds low.
C. Prepare the field along contour lines that will provide good
drainage, avoiding patterns which pond or pool water. Areas with
poor drainage are highly conducive to Pythium orPhytophthora
3. Sanitation. Keeping the greenhouse or field free of diseased
plants will reduce or eliminate pathogens. Severely diseased
leaves in the field harbor pathogens and are a source of pathogen
spores. Fungi survive in diseased plant tissue and persist in the
environment for many months. Removal of pathogen sources will
reduce possibilities of continuing the disease cycle.
Soil from fields with diseased heliconia may contain pathogen
spores or plant tissue containing the pathogen. All field
equipment should be washed before moving to a clean field to
minimize transporting of pathogens through soil movement. This
includes bulldozers, jeeps, and trucks and all tools such as
shovels, hoes, picks, and sickles.
4. Organic matter. Adding organic matter to the field generally
reduces the severity of root rots. Organic matter provides
nutrients and aeration, promotes good drainage, and increases
microbial competition. All of these factors can reduce pathogen
growth. In some cases, microorganisms inhibit each other, either
by micro-parasitism or through competition for nutrients.
Incorporating organic matter before the field is first planted or
adding organic matter to established fields may reduce root rots
in heliconia, especially if the established field is declining
severely from root and rhizome rots.
5. Host resistance. Host resistance uses the ability of the host
plant to prevent disease. It is therefore the most economical and
best method to control disease, but it usally takes a long time
to develop. For many commercially important crops that have been
in cultivation for a long time, researchers have identified
sources of disease resistance and have added these genes to the
plants. Today, biotechnological techniques that allow the
transfer of genes from one plant species to another may hasten
the development of new crops resistant to serious diseases.
6. Chemical control. Many chemical pesticides that inhibit or
reduce the growth of fungal pathogens have been developed for
agricultural crops. Broad-spectrum fungicides such as mancozeb
are effective against Bipolaris, Pseudocercospora, Exserohilum,
Phytophthora, and others. Metalaxyl is effective against
Phytophthora and Pythium. Check with your local Cooperative
Extension Service office for new fungicides available for use on
heliconia and follow the pesticide label directions.
7. Insect and pest control. Snails, slugs, insects, rodents
(Figure 37), and other animals such as pigs (Figures 38, 39) will
transport spores of fungal pathogens. Large animals such as pigs
easily track soil-borne spores from diseased to clean fields.
Insects and slugs also carry pathogens because of the microscopic
size of fungal spores. Thus, populations of these pests in fields
and on plants should be kept to a minimum.
Control measures described in the fungal disease control section
also pertain to control of bacterial diseases, with the exception
of chemical control. Unlike fungal diseases, bacterial diseases
are seldom adequately controlled by chemicals. Prevention and
sanitation are the keys to controlling bacterial diseases.
Although heliconia is affected by the bacterium Pseudomonas
solanacearum, it is helpful to understand the specific bacterial
control procedures used for anthurium blight caused by
Xanthomonas campestris pv. dieffenbachiae. The general prevention
and sanitation control procedures are similar for both heliconia
and anthurium, regardless of the bacterial organism. Anthurium
blight control recommendations are published in the Proceedings
of the Second Anthurium Blight Conference (Nishijima 1989) and in
Common Mistakes in Anthurium Blight Control Practices (Sewake et
al. 1990). These publications discuss anthurium propagation and
establishment for the production of disease-free plants,
preparation of beds for planting, prevention of disease
establishment in fields, and prevention of intra-field spread.
These procedures can be adapted to control bacteria in
Of foremost importance is the ability of Pseudomonas solanacearum
to survive for long periods in soil and in many weed hosts. The
bacterium moves with soil or water movement. Therefore, control
measures should include immediate rogueing of infected plants or
killing them with herbicide and keeping that area undisturbed.
The adjacent areas should also be plant-free for several months.
Water run-off should be prevented by covering the ground with a
tarp and diverting water flow away from contaminated areas.
Heliconias can probably be replanted using disease-free plants
following 6 to 12 months or more of weed-free fallow.
In native, endemic vegetation, serious pathogens such as the
burrowing nematode are not likely to be present. Thus, the
establishment of new heliconia fields with clean rhizomes is
crucial. Some guidelines for heat treatment of diseased heliconia
rhizomes can be adapted from those for the control of burrowing
nematode in banana. For banana, corms are trimmed and all
discolored areas are removed. These cleaned corms are placed in
hot water held at 50¡C (122¡F) for 10-15 minutes (Trujillo
1964). For untrimmed heliconia rhizomes, hot water treatment at
50¡C (122¡F) for 15-30 minutes and immediate dipping into cold
water to stop the treatment has been suggested (Criley 1988). The
cleaning process used for banana corms may be used for heliconia
rhizomes prior to hot water treatment (Figure 40). In certain
tropical countries, some banana fields are flooded for five to
six months to destroy nematodes and other pathogens. This
procedure would have little applicability in volcanic soils but
may help in heavy clay soils.
Traditionally, soil fumigation has been used to control many
types of nematode diseases. These chemicals are becoming
increasingly difficult to register for use and many are now
unavailable for agricultural uses. Development of biocontrol
strategies is being intensely pursued. Parasites that attack the
eggs, larvae, or adults of pathogenic nematodes are being tested
in many laboratories, along with new technologies developed to
manipulate the complex host-pathogen relationships in ways that
reduce susceptibility to disease.
Berry, F., and W.J. Kress. 1991. Heliconia: An identification
guide. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C..
Criley, R.A. 1988. Propagation methods for gingers and
heliconias. Bulletin, Heliconia Society International 3(2):6-7.
El-Gholl, N.E., J.Y. Uchida, A.C. Alfenas, T.S. Schubert, S.A.
Alfiere, Jr., and A.R. Chase. 1992. Induction and description of
perithecia of Calonectria spathiphylli sp. nov. Mycotaxon
Ferreira, S., K. Pitz, and A. Alvarez. 1991. Heliconia wilt in
Hawaii. Phytopathology 81:1159.
Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service. 1992. Hawaii flowers and
nursery products annual summary (July).
Nishijima, W.T. 1989. Current anthurium blight control
recommendations. In: Proceedings of the Second Anthurium Blight
Conference, 1989, Hilo, Hawaii, 7-9. Univ. of Hawaii, HITAHR
Sewake, K.T., A.F. Kawabata, W.T. Nishijima, and T. Higaki. 1990.
Common mistakes in anthurium blight control practices. Univ. of
Hawaii, HITAHR Brief No. 091.
Trujillo, E.E. 1964. Clean banana rhizome certification. Hawaii
Farm Science 13(4):8-9.
Uchida, J.Y. 1989. Cylindrocladium rot of Spathipyllum. Univ. of
Hawaii, HITAHR Brief No. 078.
Uchida, J.Y., and M. Aragaki. 1979 Etiology of necrotic flecks on
Dendrobium blossoms. Phytopathology 69:1115-1117.
Uchida, J.Y., and M. Aragaki. 1992. Further characterization of
Cylindrocladium spathiphylli from Spathiphyllum in Hawaii.
Mycologia 84:810-814.
Uchida, J.Y., M. Aragaki, and P.S. Yahata. 1989. Heliconia root
rot and foliar blight caused by Cylindrocladium. Univ. of Hawaii,
HITAHR Brief No. 085.
Uchida, J.Y., and C.Y. Kadooka. 1994. A new disease of Heliconia
caused by Pyriculariopsis. Phytopathology 84.
The use of trade names does not constitute an endorsement of
these products by the University of Hawaii, the College of
Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, or the Hawaii
Cooperative Extension Service. All pesticide users should consult
the product label to ensure that the desired crop use is included
and comply with state pesticide use laws. Supplemental
information will be disseminated as need arises.